Friday, 8 July 2011

RTR - ready to run...

Everything is now assembled, the electrics are wired up, and we're all ready for a quick test run in the great outdoors. The Gmade Spider axled 'n wheeled/tyred crawler (note to self - will have to think of a name for it) is currently in two-wheel steer mode only because one of the cheapo MG995 steering servos I bought only lasted about 30 seconds. Rumour has it that they either pack up straight away or go on for ages, so hopefully the front one will be good for some time. I've ordered a couple more, tho from the UK this time rather than from Hong Kong being as I can't be bothered to wait a few weeks for them to get here. A bit more expensive this way, but not too much. The current bargain price on eBay is two for under £15 delivered.

Anyway, the pictures show the articulation and the working clearances at full tilt, I personally think the dimensioning worked out just fine, it'll go to the full 90 degrees of twist with just a bit of pressure applied.

What do you think of it as a home-made (on a budget) superclass-sized rock crawler?

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